Sunday, July 21, 2013

Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.... Au Revior, Kathmandu

So I am sitting in the airport, I still have an hour until my flight even starts boarding... I am already tired and a, looking to a 34 hour journey until I land in Saint John. It should be ok tho, once I am on the plane, I can get my headphones out and enjoy some in flight entertainment, as well as some delicious food (I hope!). I leave kathmandu at 130pm, if all goes well, then I land in Bangkok, where I have a 7 hour stopover! Luckily, I was able to change the last of my nepali rupees into American dollars, s. can get a drink and a snack while I wait. After Bangkok I have an 11 our flight to London, which if it is slap to my arrival, is full of delicious food and drinks. In London I have about an hour and a half to make my connection, where I will then fly to Toronto (not Halifax like when I flew here) wait two hours for the final leg of my journey. If all goes according to plan, I arrive home at 4:48 pm Monday, July 22. After 55 days of travel and adventure, I will be happy to be home.

My parents will be picking me up from the airport. I plan on utilizing a washroom in Toronto to make myself look much more presentable. I didn't bother with makeup before I left KTM, as I knew it would all end p melting and making me feel gross. I won't even bother in Bangkok. London is just a quick stop, but hopefully, even with customs, I will have time to make myself look nice. If not, I can always use the bathroom on the plane, although I am unsure if I can make myself up on a bumpy flight. Hopefully we'll have smooth skies.

I am impatient to get going. Unfortunately, I have a middle seat on the flight to Bangkok. It is only a 3 1/2 hour flight tho, so it isn't completely undoable. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the flight to London is as e,p as the flight FROM London was. If so, I'm set! It was so nice, on the flight from London to Bangkok, to have lots of room to stretch out. I'm not counting on it tho. I mean, it's not like I EVER sleep on the flights-even when I take sleeping pills and kick them up with an alcoholic drink. So I plan on catching up on some journaling, watching movies on the monitors provided, and enjoying the snacks and meals provided by the airline. Thai Gardens knows how to treat their customers, thank goodness, as it is a 12 hour flight!

This morning I took one last yoga class. I could have just allowed myself to sleep in, but I woke up early  and didn't want to waste the opportunity. It was rough! I was dripping sweat it felt great after. I ordered breakfast, had a shower, enjoyed delicious boiled eggs (which I loaded with chili sauce) fried potatoes with onions, yummy bread with yak butter and apricot jelly, a mango shake (so yum) and a cup of milk tea. 

Oh real milk tea, how I will miss you! I did buy some tea to bring home (along with local liquors, local cigarettes for my smoker friends, prayer flags, incense and scarves) butinfear I won't be able to recreate the goodness that is the Nepali milk tea. Especially like it was served at Pal Ewam. Whatever the cook's trick at the school, his large thermoses (thermosi?) of milk tea at break were amazing delicious and restorative, even on a hot day. I will try tho.

I will prolly have some internet in Bangkok, limited in London, and I don't know it'll have ANY in Toronto. Isn't that funny? There is so much more available wifi in the 'third world' country of Nepal than in my first world nation of Canada. So we'll see. I don't have long to wait there anyway, so even if not, it's not the end of the world. And once I get to Toronto I can turn my phone back on! Booyah! 

I haven't used my phone since May 30th. It doesn't even roam to London. Damn me for not having a smart phone. 

Oh well. 

And there is a tiny cat running around the airport. How cool is that? I only wish it was friendlier, and would come sit by me.

All for now, dear friends,


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