Namaste, friends
It seems strange to just pick up and leave for 8 weeks, to travel across the world to a country I've never been, with a language I don't speak, and people I do not know. Who would be crazy enough to do such a thing? What has possessed me?
Well, many know that my life changed recently. What plans I had originally made for my years to come ended up not being an option, so I had to do some real introspection to find something. And I decided, why worry about ten years down the road, when each day feels so draining, so empty? What will make today feel better?
My mother always taught me, when you feel the worst about yourself, serve others. She is a shining example of service. A registered nurse, she excels in a profession based on caring. She has been going on medical missions for years now. How could I not follow her example? In my depths, in my sadness and sorrow, how could I not find someone to give of myself to?
But how? I looked at volunteering opportunities in my own city, and there are some but it wasn't what my soul needed. There was something out there I was supposed to find. My mother has a love for the land and people of South America. I tried searching for volunteering opportunities there. Again, I found lots of placements, but nothing that I was supposed to be doing. Orphanages, schools, medical clinics but they weren't it. They weren't right.
Then I saw "volunteer free at the Koseli school in Nepal'. I clicked on the link and suddenly my heart was full. I watched the website video in which founder Renu Bagaria described the conditions of the children who attend her school live. Why she made the school. And my heart was bursting with both joy and pain. Pain for these children who live in slums. Their conditions are unimaginable. But also joy- because I had found what I was supposed to find. This was where I was supposed to go.
So I had my goal, but it seemed unreachable. I started calculating what I had to save, where I could get plane tickets, how long I could be gone. And it has all been falling into place.
However, I am fundraising for assistance. Vaccinations, visas, taxes all add up. So I am going against my nature and asking my friends and anyone else who happens to see this for their help. Help me help myself by helping others. You can do this by donating directly to me via paypal, or thru gofundme.
Please help if possible, even sharing this page might mean someone will see it.
Thank you, much love
Hey Laura, check this out too: You can get people to fund some water filtration systems that can help out everyone at your destination!